50 Year Anniversary Commemorative Magazine
- What is the Chongyang Festival ?
- CCAT members participating at the Home: Here and Now exhibition held at the TMAG showing migration of Chinese to Tasmania from the early 1800s
- Bibliography of Chinese Tasmanian History & Heritage
- Living in Tasmania
- CCAT Visit to the Cascade Female Factory
- A very short briefing of the Early Chinese History
- Information about Novel Coronavirus
- 70th Anniversary Celebration of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China
- Chinese Consul General (Melbourne) Visit
- Chinese History In Australia By Jan Everett
- Tasmanian Chinese School
- Chinese in North East Tasmania
- The Old and the New by Charles Chung
- Chinese In North-East Tasmania
- The New and the Old – 新與舊之感 – 鍾百焜作