
Chinese Dragon Boat Festival 2015

​​The second Chinese Dragon Boat Festival ​co-hosted by CCAT and Dragon Boat Tasmania, was successfully held at Short Beach, Sandy Bay on Sunday 21 June 2015​.​

The day of the festival was a cold but very calm and sunny day ​perfect for dragon boating;​ ​​perhaps the dragons must have been smiling.​ ​The festival kicked off at 10 am with the traditional blessing​ of the dragon boats​ ​by Master Wang of Tasmanian Chinese Buddhist Academy  followed by the eye-dotting ceremony performed by ​Hobart City Lord Mayor Alderman Sue Hickey, Dragon Boat Tasmania president Donna Fittock and CCAT president Lily Chan.​ ​A ​wonderful lion dance was then performed by Master Wang’s Buddhist Lion Dance troupe ​to bring auspiciousness and good luck to everyone present. ​

Prior to getting on the boats, ​novice paddlers (including the Honourable Lord Mayor and CCAT vice-president Margaret Chung) were given the drill on how to ​paddle and also briefed on safety measures. Each boat had a mixed crew – beginners as well as seasoned paddlers.​

At the end of the race​s ​food and drinks were provided by CCAT. Members of the Rotary Club ​o​f Sandy Bay ​ ​came along and gave us a hand with the BBQ.​ All members and friends ​had a good time.

We would like to thank the Dragon Boat ​Tasmania, Master Wang and ​his Lion Dance Troupe ,​ ​Rotary Club of Sandy Bay and the committee members of CCAT​ for their help in making this a successful and happy event .

塔省華人聯誼會與塔州龍舟協会,​再度聯合舉辦今年的傳统端午節,已成功於2015621日在Sandy Bay Short Beach舉行

節日當天非常寒冷,但很平靜,陽光明媚, 十分適合龍舟競賽,一定是龍王大悅,天公造美吧! 節目在上午十時正首先由塔州中國佛學院的王大師主持龍舟傳統祝福;​ ​跟着是由霍巴特市長Sue Hickey, 龍舟協會會長Donna Fittock 和華人聯誼會會長Lily Chan進行點睛儀式,然後王大師的佛教舞獅團表演了精彩的舞獅表演, 所有在場的人帶來吉祥好運。

龍舟比賽之前,各新手扒船健兒(包括我們尊敬的市長和華人聯誼會副會長Margaret Chung) 接受了扒船示範演習及安全措施講解。每艘龍舟均安排混合的船員 有初學者以及經驗豐富的健兒。

比賽完畢後,​華人聯誼會為在場人士提供午餐飲品。Sandy Bay 扶輪社成員協助我們打理燒烤。各會員朋友都享受了一個美好時光。

我們十分感謝塔州龍舟協会,王大師和他的醒獅團隊,Sandy Bay扶輪社和塔省華人聯誼會委員會成員, ​為本次活動出力幫助,​獲得完滿成功。

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Chinese Dragon Boat Festival 2015 – Chinese Community Association of Tasmania Inc 澳洲塔省華人聯誼會