
President’s Report 2012 (Chinese & English)


Dear Members and Friends,

I welcome you all to the 2013 Annual General Meeting. It has been my honour to serve as the club’s president for the year 2012, and I would like to thank all members for your support and active participation across all events and proceedings over the past year. Many thanks must go to my predecessor, Mr. Peter Chung, for his guidance and support during my presidency.

The 2012 Committee, comprising of long standing members as well as several new young members, has been dedicated to implement the core values of the Association (viz. “CUP” – Care, Unity & Prosperity) and achieved many objectives beneficial to our members:

  • Besides the traditional Chinese festivals and Christmas celebratory luncheons where all members and friends could enjoy delicious food prepared by our Restaurant members in a delightful ambience inside our Club House, the monthly Movie Show organized by Josephine Tam and Raymond Chau certainly proved to be popular among our membership and had helped in the Club’s revenue.
  • In cooperation with our friends at the Migrant Resource Centre which provide regular activities and welfare services for our senior members on Thursdays in the Club House, we have subsidized their lunch outing at Ming Court Restaurant in October 2012
  • We helped the University Students by cash donation  towards their annual Karaoke contest
  • Our Chinese language school, under the direction of Kim Phong, is now heading into its 16th year of successful operation
  • Members, on production of their issued membership cards, can obtain discount on purchase of goods/services from a list of businesses
  • For the first time in the club’s history and under the tireless steer of Ruby Lee, we hosted the Chinese New Year festival open to the general public on 3 February 2013 where over 3,500 festival patrons enjoyed fabulous food and entertainments. We were privileged to have Premier Lara Giddings; Chinese Consul Mei Yun Cai; and Deputy Lord Mayor of Hobart, Alderman Ron Christie to officiate our event. I was thrilled to see so many of our younger generations and friends who volunteered their time and effort in making this Festival a great success. Such is a testament to the hard work and commitment put in by our members. Our tradional Chinese New Year Dinner at Me Wah Restaurant to welcome in “the Year of the Golden Snake” was successfully held on the following Sunday, 10th February 2013 and attended by 148 members and friends.

Subsequent to the unsatisfactory coverage and reporting of CCAT’s news and events, the Committee has decided to discontinue our membership subscriptions to the Chinese News Tasmania Magazine, effective from March 2013. In order to increase our communication outlets, we have set up CCAT’s own website and are in the process of managing a monthly newsletter to our members.

We have worked to build on the foundations of the Association, not only in terms of its profile, but also its relevance to the community; embracing multiculturalism and aiming to connect with all age groups. I look forward to welcoming an enthusiastic 2013 Management Committee to pave the way for a brighter and stronger future for CCAT.

Wishing you all a happy, healthy and prosperous Year of the Snake !

Daniel Chan



2012 年度會長報告

親愛的會員、 各位朋友:

歡迎各位前來参加 2013年度會員週年大會。我非常榮幸及多謝各位會員推選我為聯誼會2012 年度會長。首先我在此衷心詺謝前會長鍾兆祥先生給予我不斷的恊助和指導, 更感謝管理委員會成員及眾會員的鼎力支持和無限的奉献, 才使我能顺利帶领各位過渡了2012年。

2012年對我們聯誼會來說是一個非常有意義及難忘的一年。我們除了有許多長期成員繼續為會服務之外, 更高興和歡迎數名新的成員加入參加我們管理層工作,致力於實現協會的宗旨(即”CUP”-關懷,團結與興旺),並已成功實行以下的事項:

  • 一年一度傳統的端午節,中秋節,聖誕節都如期在會所舉行午餐聚會,會員都踴躍參加,每次活動人數多達百餘人,盡享由餐館會員烹調的美食,而每月的電影午餐聚會亦都廣受會員喜歡及支持,不單為會帶來入息,亦聯系了會員們的默契及友情。非常多谢Josephine Tam和Raymond Chau安排這项節目给大家分享。
  • 與移民資源中心我們繼續保持着良好的關係, 長者們每星期四在會所午餐聚會。今年十月份出外午餐活動,我們聯誼會亦有些微津貼長者午餐費用, 寥表心意與關懷。
  • 塔省大學中國學生會舉辦一年一度的中秋卡拉 Ok 比賽, 我们有現金赞助他們的活動。
  • 我們的中國語言學校,在馮丽娟委員悉心的领導下已成功踏入第 16 年,保存中華文化,教育下一代,可喜可賀。
  • 2012年實施會員卡,得到數商户支持给予我們會員折扣優惠,希望他日能爭取更多利益给我們會員。
  • 今年二月三日我們聯誼會在RubyLee委员極力推動下,舉辦了“歷史性” 的第一次新年嘉年華大活動,與普羅大眾同樂,將中國新年習俗,食物及豐富娛樂節目表现給超過 3,500廣大市民認識和分享。我們佷榮幸邀請了塔省省長Lara Giddings,中國領事梅運才 ;和霍巴特副市長Ron Christie 為我們的嘉賓,主持開幕儀式。燃燒炮仗,舞獅助興,一片喜氣洋洋,盛况空前。今次的成功,實有賴各位會员,朋友尤其餐館朋友的仗義幫忙;很高與能看到這麼多我們年輕一代的朋友們贡獻出時間和努力,使聯誼會更發揚光大。
  • 二月+日大年初一,聯誼會再度在美華樓舉辦了春節晚宴,有148位會員和朋友出席,開懷暢飲,歡迎”金蛇年”的來臨。


我們一直努力建立聯誼會,不僅在提高其地位,而且還要融入社區 ,不分年龄國籍,包容多元文化傳統,培育英才,落實我們“團结僑民,造福社群” 的口號。本人衷心祝賀 2013年度新的管理委員會成員及各會員,身體健康,萬事如意,蛇年行好運!


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President’s Report 2012 (Chinese & English) – Chinese Community Association of Tasmania Inc 澳洲塔省華人聯誼會